
Ka’ree recipe and images! #tomatobeefstew #withcurry🥩🍅🥔🧅

Yesterday night I made Ka’ree, a very traditional meal. The best way I can describe Ka’ree is it’s a tomato (beef or chicken) stew to which some spices and veggies are added. When I was younger, my mom made this type of ethnic dish, (beef stew) around once to twice a week. One of my favorites has always been Ka’ree. I love the deliciousness of the curry, the hidden spice in the potato and what it adds to the tomato sauce, as well as the tender beef (or chicken) that shreds into the heated stew.


0.75-1lb chuck roast or chuck beef steak or chicken

4-5 large potatoes

an onion, medium-large sized (chopped)

6oz tomato paste

15oz tomato sauce

4-6 cups of water (for sauce)

2-3 tbsp of curry spice

1 tbsp vinegar

2 tbsns lemon juice

1 tspn dried lime (or Noomi Basra)–this is optional

1 tbsp oil

Kosher salt or table salt (I like to use a little of both!)–1 – 2 teaspoons

Black pepper–1-2 teaspoons is fine

chopped garlic cloves (no more than 2-3 chopped cloves, or it may be too hott)

2-4 cups cooked brown rice or long grain wild rice (I steer clear of white)!

First, you cook the meat: Cut the meat into cubes ( I used beef chuck steak) and you set it aside. I also used extra virgin olive oil (2 tbspns) and dashed the meat with Kosher salt and ground pepper to cook.

Oh, I also included the chopped garlic cloves before I started cooking!🧄

Voila! Should take no longer than 15-20 minutes. Make sure meat is tender (heat on high) you can add water.

After you’re done cooking set the meat aside. Now, use the same pan to carmelize the onions. Just cook them in an additional tblspn of extra virgin olive oil (classic olive oil is ok too) until they turn slightly brown. Try not to use vegetable oil; not the healthiest choice by far.

Cooking time to slightly carmelize onions should be no more than 5-10 minutes!

Next you add the curry (2-3 tbspns), salt, pepper, and tomato paste TO THE ONION MIX. Use the same pot (use a big one). The stew will eventually rise. AFTER you add the curry, 6 oz. tomato paste and 1-2 tspns of salt and pepper (each) to the pot, the pot will start to burn a little. The ingredients will brown. That is OK. It’s normal. See below.

You can see that once I added the tomato paste, curry, salt and pepper I mixed them together some (you can just add a dash of salt and pepper). After this you have to add the tblspn of vinegar. Be careful. It will smoke. Also have all ingredients ready to go at this point you have to work fast. As soon as the vinegar makes this mixture bubble, add the TOMATO SAUCE, 15 oz. can. This will stop the splash from the vinegar!🥫

Here I have added the tomato sauce and 4 cups of water. No more splash keep heat on high here.

Finally, add the potatoes and beef to combine all together. Add everything slowly, the water, little by little, gently add beef and potatoes. Combine all together.

You can even add an additional 2-4 cups of water depending on how much stew you want to have. You can use more salt and pepper. Table salt is fine to use at this point. I used kosher salt when I cooked the meat. Spice it how you would like, but don’t make it too salty. Keep in mind if it is under salted you can always add more later. You don’t want to use too much salt and ruin all your hard work!

Keep on high throughout let it come to a boil. Than reduce heat to medium high. Cover with a lid. Let it cook at least twenty minutes. Stir in between. Check on it. Once the potatoes are tender the stew is done. This can take anywhere from 40 min.-1 hr. You have to check on it regularly. Stir. Take a potato out, cut it with a fork, see if it’s tender (cooked), taste it, spice a little! Lol You get the idea. Be safe. And prepared. 🍅🥩🥔🧅🍛🧄

Oops… and I almost forgot—don’t forget to cook the rice! Ka’ree is put over a bed of rice. Here I have cooked 4 cups of brown rice.🍚🌾 And below is also a photo of the finished product! Have fun! There will be lots of leftover!😄

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s recently been featured on the Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students of all ages from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here: