Science & Physics

The struggle is real God is too

Lately I’ve been working hard on overcoming fears. I’ve been experiencing some stress. I’ve learned that when you have those feelings it can lead to being fearful. Depression can lead to anxiety. I’ll give you an example, back in October 2021, my mother had been infected with COVID-19. For those ten days, I did not leave her side. The reason I stayed by her side so much is because I knew that Covid could do really strange things, plus she’s elderly, and with diabetes I knew Covid was nothing to joke about.

On one occasion, she went to take a shower – after some time I called out to her, and I realized she was unresponsive. I went over to the shower, and she just sat there on her shower chair but could not answer me. She could not get out of the bathtub herself because she was dizzy and had a headache. I had to call EMS, when it seemed as though she had fainted or become unconscious. Ever since then I’ve had some fear while taking a simple shower. However, I’ve worked on relieving that anxiety and have overcome it. Some of the ways I’ve overcome is through prayer and through focusing on breathing techniques. When you relax your mind, your body relaxes too.

Another fear I’ve experienced before is a fear of flying. I have flown several times, but it’s something that stops me from travel at times. Just today I was looking to book a flight to somewhere though. I thought that maybe I can put together a meeting at a hotel for my Writing group members at some point. Maybe we could all meet in person for once and not only virtually like we’ve been for almost six months. My point in writing this is to remind you that the struggle is real in life, but God is still in control.

God is the one that will be there when we fear, when we feel alone, sad, or experience loss. He will be there for us. He will comfort through a friend, a kind gesture, or through a phone call. We will be assured that everything will be alright. It may be through a doctor, a teacher, or maybe through some form of encouragement we had not gotten before. God helps us through each other.

We will experience hardship in life, most definitely, but we are meant to lead each other through. Often times we help in ways we have not even realized. That’s the beauty of life. We are all connected. In physics, there’s this theory called entanglement. “When two particles such as a pair of photons or electrons becoming entangled, they remain connected even when separated by vast distances.”

Two particles can be on opposite ends of the earth, one can be in Los Angeles and one in New York, for example, but they will imitate each other and even behave the same. Did you know that the entire universe is made up of this entanglement? It’s true. In my opinion, we are entangled with God. The Bible tells us that we are made ‘in his likeness and image.’ We are all connected.

No matter how much hardship you have had, no matter what you go through, or any pain that has caused you sadness – it can be overcome. You can heal, feel better, and there will be a new day, a new experience, and new doors will open. We are moving through this universe from moment to moment.

God foresaw that we would all need him. God knew we would have some hard times. God is omnipresent and can be everywhere. He is all loving and kind. We are all under a cosmic order created by a master artist whose design cannot be duplicated, and we are loved beyond measure.

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book(s), Not Without God: A Story of Survival and Not Without God: Hope In the Storm. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s also been featured on The Neil Haley (media giant’s) Show, The Intuitive Edge podcast, and on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’broadcast as well as Grace and Truth Radio World!

Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and parts of the world. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among many other places. Last August she created the “Writing Because I Can’t Not Write Group” meetings and workshops where aspiring and seasoned authors network and learn together. 

Zina writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She likes to write about health and diet also and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm was published last year.


God Is Perfect✨💫🌟

God is perfect. He cannot be anything but perfect because He is God. It is the same with his design. God made everything perfect around 13.8 billion years ago at the start of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis and Big Bang timelines correlate. On the first day, God created LIGHT. On the ‘fourth day,’ the sun. Humans and animals came last, on the sixth day, said Moses. Everything you see is a result of the Big Bang, or Big Event, as I like to call it. We are told there was no noise or bang because there were no air molecules at the time. All matter in the universe, everything, is from God’s creation.

The greatest physicists in the world say that one day everything will disintegrate, even black holes, all structures, buildings, and everything will come down. The universe will end. Religious people focus on this day and refer to it as the end of the world. The greatest physicists also agree that there will be new beginnings or a rebirth, so to speak, fluctuations of particles that will be floating around in ‘the void.’

The Bible also tells us in the Book of Revelation that St. John saw a new earth and the ‘New Jerusalem,’ the city of heaven coming down from the sky. I find this quite ironic. As “the Revelation of Jesus Christ” the “Revelation is sometimes called the Apocalypse, which in Greek means a revelation, uncovering, or unveiling. This book is an unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ and a revelation of His authority, power, and preeminent role in the Father’s plan of salvation. The book also reveals a lot of important information about the events leading up to the Second Coming and the Millennium,” according to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

In Revelation 21 John sees that God will dwell with and comfort His people and that the celestial city of God will be established on the earth, which confirms the above. Jesus will reign on earth and live amongst his people. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book(s), Not Without God: A Story of Survival and Not Without God: Hope In the Storm. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s also been featured on The Neil Haley (media giant’s) Show, The Intuitive Edge podcast, and on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’broadcast as well as Grace and Truth Radio World!

Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and parts of the world. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among many other places.

She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes about health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale.

Science & Physics

Matter vs. Antimatter and what it all means (how we got here)!

In the early twentieth century, we learned how particles like electrons behave when they travel close to the speed of light. Paul Dirac came up with an equation for this. He was surprised to find that his equation always had two solutions.

He recognized one solution described the electron and the other was a mystery. He later found that the other solution was described as anti-matter, or, an anti-electron. It had the same mass and spin as the electron but it had an opposite electric charge.

The first had a negative electric charge, the other had a positive electric charge. The other name for this anti-electron is the positron. The same thing is true for ALL particles. Quarks have anti-quarks, and there are anti-atoms, etc.

This was amazing because Dirac knew it would DOUBLE the known particles in the world! When matter and anti-matter come together, they annihilate. So there is a big question.

Why is there any matter left? We would expect equal amounts of matter and anti-matter to be created at the beginning or at the Big Bang, but if this were the case the universe wouldn’t exist. We would not be here.

The Laws of Physics do not have a preference for a plus sign over a minus sign, for example. There should be a sea of structureless radiation; however, that is not what happened. We are here. Physicists have been puzzled by this.

“Some have wondered if the anti-matter got separated from the matter and if the matter exists as anti-stars, anti-planets, and anti-galaxies,” says Brian Greene, world renowned physicist. Interesting thought.

Scientists have predicted that for every billion anti-protons there must have been a billion and one protons. That would leave just enough matter to have everything we see today!

The Book of Genesis teaches us:

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters.

3 And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. -Genesis 1:1-5

The Book of Genesis and the Big Bang Theory correlate as far as timelines go. Did you know that 13.8 billion years ago there was a tiny microscopic point in space and it generated so much energy that it went bang? There was no noise, though, because there were no air molecules at the time. But LIGHT was created.

John Pennington

Then, 13.8 billion years later HUMANS are created. The first thing created was light and the last thing created is us, humans.

The sun was also created 9.2 billion years after the Big Bang. If you divide 9.2 into 13.8, you get 2/3. So, 2/3 of the way from the light, our sun was created. 2/3 = 4/6. Moses says in the Book of Genesis that light was created on the first day and he says the last thing created, on the “sixth day” were human beings. Genesis also states that on the fourth day God created the sun, and because 2/3=4/6 this makes perfect sense.

Moses uses “days” and the Big Bang Theory uses billions of years. However, they follow the same order. Thus, LIGHT was first created (as stated above in both calendars). Then came the sun 9.2 billion years later, and we, humans came last. We can guess that humans came into existence around a hundred thousand years ago, but that is just a rough estimate.

World Science Festival!

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book(s), Not Without God: A Story of Survival and Not Without God: Hope In the Storm. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s also been featured on The Neil Haley (media giant’s) Show, The Intuitive Edge podcast, and on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’broadcast as well as Grace and Truth Radio World!

Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and parts of the world. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among many other places.

She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes about health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale.

Science & Physics

Some things you may want to know part 7

Did you know that one day every single black hole will disintegrate? The universe may continue to expand, forever, though. However, there will be a time when everything will end – and everything we know about, matter itself will all disintegrate; it is called the Big Freeze or Heat Death. The universe will get ever colder as it gets ever larger. All black holes will evaporate and give off a particle spray in the void; nothing will be left. There will be electrons and neutrinos that are floating around. The temperature will get very low.

Think of the Empire State Building in Manhattan where the ground floor is the 1st unit and the next unit is the 10th floor, the next floor is the 100th, etc. But if you go to about 10 to the hundred years into the future, that is when this could happen (a long time from now). Every black hole will have evaporated by that time. Now we are at about ten to the tenth floor, Brian Greene says – a world renowned physicist and NY Times best-selling author in his book, “Until the End of Time.”

The only thing that will be left are the most “refined” or stable elementary particles that will be around. They will be roaming around in the void and there will be fluctuations where these particles will AT TIMES BE LARGE, so then, new particles will FORM, if you wait long enough – rare things can happen – Brian continues. These particles will create new beginnings or fluctuations “on their way to eternity,” is how Brian Greene puts it.

I love the line that when you have an eternity every rare thing can happen. Space goes on infinitely far. There are no limits to the universe or edges. Space goes on forever. Thus, if space is eternal, we are eternal.

St. John has a vision in the Book of Revelation 21: In the vision, John saw the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down from Heaven to the new earth, for the old earth had been destroyed. While the new city was coming down, John heard a loud voice that said the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them.

Bible Gateway read in Revelations 21:1-3, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

And John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

You don’t have to be religious to have heard the Lord’s prayer before. In the Lord’s prayer, we say, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven…” We are actually praying for heaven to come down to earth when we do this.

This is why I believe the universe is infinite and eternal. Brian proves it. In my opinion, there has been more than one ‘Big Bang,’ or ‘Big Event’ as I like to call it. I don’t call it a bang because there were no air molecules at the time. I believe that there are multiverses.

As a matter of fact, some physicists believe there is assimilation. Which means there could actually be copies of yourselves out there in other universes. However, don’t worry much about copies or you or other universes. This one is the only one you should be concerned about. Bottom line: “It is spectacular that collections of particles can come together to yield a human being,” the famous physicist says. I love that, again the miracle is that you’re here.

I am open minded so it wouldn’t surprise me if there were multiple or an infinite number of universes with multiple copies of ourselves out there. There is even an app: it is called the Universe Splitter. You should download it. You can ask it any question about your life, and it will tell you what will happen in one universe vs. another. Again, I take this with a grain of salt but have used the app before. When you click “split” the app sends a signal to a laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. The photon gets hurtled toward a splitter and can either go left or right. It will tell you your future: if you will marry, if you will become rich, etc.

Again, I have used this for fun. I don’t dwell on these things too much. I am worried about the universe I am in now. But it is very interesting to me that physics and science agree with the Bible in some instances – the universe is eternal and infinite.

Here is the link to Brian Greene’s interview in case you want to watch it:

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s also been featured on the Intuitive Edge podcast as well as ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students of all ages from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes about health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Science & Physics

The Weirdness of Physics

Did you ever think of yourself as a particle? According to physics, you are a “particle,” actually, you are made up of MANY particles. More than you can probably imagine. EVERYTHING is made up of particles.

‘We are nothing more than a spec,’ says The Science Guy, Bill Nye. Quantum mechanics proves that it’s true because Quantum mechanics involves breaking ‘things’ down to their tiniest parts.

A particle is an “entity” that is not at a definite location. There is a “likelihood” that it is at one location or another, says Brian Greene – world-famous physicist. We are waves too, try to wrap your head around that. A particle is a wave. We learned that after the famous, ‘double slit experiment.’

For example, an electron (a particle), can pop up into any part of a ‘wave.’ Back to what I’ve talked about before, there is more than one choice or outcome that can happen. You, the particle, can show up in different parts of the wave.

What doesn’t happen in one universe, can happen in another, for example. In one universe, you may decide to become a nurse. In another universe, you may not. But you would never know because you cannot communicate with that other universe.

It’s called the theory of entanglement, and it makes up everything. Two particles (electrons) can be on different ends of the earth. One can be in Los Angeles and one can be in New York. But they will imitate each other and even behave the same way.

Before you get spooked out by this idea that there could be another ‘you’ in another world, keep in mind, physicists tell us to live as though we are only living in this one. I’m sure that is all you can do, because this is the only one you know about.

Actually, in an infinite universe, there can be copies of you out there being made right now. This supports the idea of string theory and that there may be multiple universes.

Give up the idea that there are definite predictions, says famous author and world physicist, Brian Greene, again. You picture yourself living in a Three-D world, you look up, and there is a ceiling, you look down, a floor, and around, walls or borders of some sort.

However, what you see is not all there is, as a matter of fact, physicists now believe we could be living on a 2D plane. It’s called the Holographic principle. Check it out, everything could be a hologram, including you! God just may be the greatest computer designer that has ever lived. We could be “code,” stored on a 2-D surface.

I write this article to remind you – there are no limits. When you have an eternity, not only is every rare thing possible, but if you wait long enough – every rare thing happens, said Sam Harris – philosopher and neuroscientist.

This is a great video where Brian Greene is interviewed and explains further!
This is a great discussion between Brian Greene and Sam Harris on this topic also!

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s also been featured on the Intuitive Edge podcast as well as ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students of all ages from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:


The heavens declare his glory✨🌟💫

The heavens declare the glory of God. It doesn’t take much to see God’s miracles or to witness all that he has made.✨ Often we’re too busy with our day-to-day life that we don’t stop to smell the flowers, gaze at the beach, or to take that long walk amongst nature.🌳 But God’s design is everywhere, it cannot be denied. Our day-to-day life may contain problems or less than good circumstances. So, again, we fail to see the beauty in all he has made—even the beauty in ourselves.♥️ We’re too busy trying to succeed in this world or make it by. Thankfully there is so much more beyond what we can see. There is more that we can’t see beyond the ‘skies.’ God’s handiwork is magnificent and contains more than we can imagine. There are colors we’ve never seen.🌈 Nature we’ve never experienced. Peace like no other.☮️ And love that is unconditional.💕 God is the Everlasting, Only being that will ALWAYS love, accept, and embrace us no matter what. God is love.💕♥️💚

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s recently been featured on the Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students of all ages from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Science & Physics

Ryan Graves on the Lex Fridman podcast: UFOs and Aliens special!👽🛸✨

Have you ever thought that maybe they could exist? I know I have. Ryan Graves, who is an F-18 advanced fighter pilot for the Navy, has engaged with UFOs. He goes into all the details along with discussing the Department of Defense’s release of UFO footage. If you start this video at about 1:01 Ryan starts to talk about how he saw a light and engaged with it while he was flying one day, but, he first talks about all the stars over the ocean–the shooting stars and the peace he felt just before it. Then he goes on to explain, again, that he and a few people in his squadron had detected UFOs. The link to the Lex Fridman podcast is above.

When he was a junior pilot, around 2014, he had been operating with his team in the city of Afghanistan. He came back here, entered “the maintenance phase,” and further discusses the F18. The upgrading, and other things I will never understand. lol😅

But once he starts to talk about the radar of the F18, I understand a little better. He says how they had even gotten a better radar back then. There was a transition. So…there were objects on the radar that they hadn’t seen before. He’d seen these objects more clearly with the new radar: they saw a representation of the objects (UFOs).

All the data that came in represented tracking from the radar that showed us where the object was going. The “target aspect” would go all over the place. It was stationary. The UFO was stationary against the wind. “That is very uncommon,” Ryan says. For an object to be stationary against the wind like that.

The objects were at 20,000 feet, 10,000 feet, etc. The US NAVY considers the wind whenever they do anything. They go by the current and even plan their activities that way. BUT THIS OBJECT was stationary against the wind. IT WAS NOT A DRONE, Ryan verifies. He’d see these “instruments” flying in patterns, sometimes circular or just going straight east. And he’d see them doing this ALL the time.

This is air space where there was NOT SUPPOSED TO BE anything at all, off the coast of Virginia Beach. It’s not restricted but it is well monitored and Ryan and his crew were out there every day! If you also forward this video to about 1:40, he explained that one of the objects he saw appeared to have the shape of a “gimble.”It was black and white and appeared to be two plates put together.

As if there is an energy field that went to the top of the “funnel” or to the bottom of it, he continues. It continued on a long path and then just abruptly went into the opposite direction. It was very strange.

I find this fascinating. Michio Kaku is a famous world-renowned physicist. He’s talked about aliens and other life forms on Lex’s podcast also. But back to Ryan for a minute, he could tell that these objects were not going into a straight line but in more of a drift, they didn’t seem to be controlled by a computer (or autopilot). Here’s an article about it I also read on 60 minutes: There is also a video of it in the article!

Ryan goes on to say it’s not a secret that we are not alone out there and maybe even being observed! The reason I find this fascinating is because I’ve been studying physics for a few years now, and I’ve have heard from more than one world-renowned physicist–that if there are aliens out there–they would be 2-3 billion years or more ahead. We are a young planet.

They would be able to command the winds. We cannot, yet. Type 1 planets can manage their planets to where they don’t harm them through global warming, for example. A type 1 civilization is capable of harnessing planetary power. They control the weather, again, earthquakes and volcanoes, and they can even modify and prevent certain damaging weather events such as hurricanes, etc., Michio Kaku says.

“A type 2 planet would be stellar. They play with stars, entire stars, and they use the energy output of a star. They colonize nearby stars! Type 3 planets are galactic and able to ROAM the galactic space lanes.” We are on the cusp of Type 1, Michio Kaku, continues.

Here is the link to that video also:

I am unique as a Christian in that I believe it is very likely there is other life forms. This is not hard for me to believe. As a matter of fact, I embrace it. I think they are peaceful. I think they even know Jesus as God and King. I think they are not out to harm. I think they know God and understand his love. I think what Ryan saw was them presenting themselves to us. Finally, I think there is a lot more to come!☄️🪐🌠

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s recently been featured on the Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students of all ages from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Science & Physics

Cut Yourself from the Illusion of Self

How are we brought to consciousness? Why is it we are aware, more aware than animals are, for example? As humans, we are capable of more than other creatures. We can write symphonies, win the Nobel Prize, make a difference, start a non profit, have a family, and fulfill our lives to the best of our abilities.

But who is really in control? Did you ever think that there may be a higher power setting the precedent for our lives? Did you ever think of God as being the greatest computer designer that has ever lived? Yesterday I began watching this 3 hour podcast interview done by Lex Fridman. Here he is interviewing the great, Sam Harris. Sam is a world renowned neuroscientist and philosopher.

He believes that there is no such thing as free will, or that there is an illusion of free will. We feel like we are the captain of our own ships and like our decisions affect our outomes. Sometimes they do, but not all the time. At times things happen to us that we don’t choose. Things appear. We are not always happy with what we see, hear, or experience.

This is when we should take it with a grain of salt. Meaning, don’t get caught up in emotions or stuck in frustration or anger. There is an “author of our existence.” It is God. Ultimately, he is in control. You don’t know what you’re going to think next, what you are going to attend to or your next action. Everything arises and comes to you through an electrical impulse (neurons, axons, and messages from the outside environment).

“The script could already be written,” Sam Harris says. The sense of self is not an illusion. But free will he thinks is an illusion. Your existence could be compatible with an absense of free will. Sam says that “Some evil genious in the next room could be typing in code into your existence.” Lol It may feel that way when we fall short. We get upset, throw a fit, and get caught up in our feelings.

But what Sam is teaching here is very encouraging. Sam says to not get stuck in patterns of thought that are a hindrance to your well being. We are all agents, by products of the Big Bang, or Big Event, that happened 13.8 billion years ago. It’s incredibly freeing to recognize that the mind is not entirely ruled by you. Everything is under a Cosmic Order. We are under the Laws of Physics.

We have a king, Jesus, and Holy Father, God. They are the creators of our existence. We have to remember all they’ve done for us and always come back to love. Jesus died for our sins so that we may be free and live (forever) with him. “…for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body [and mind]” (1 Cor. 6:20).

Here is the amazing podcast interview. Please watch it. It is life changing!

Sam Harris!

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s recently been featured on the Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students of all ages from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Science & Physics

Ever think of yourself as a hologram?

Have you ever heard of the holographic principle? Could the WHOLE UNIVERSE be a HOLOGRAM? This is not just a speculation but a THEORY that scientists take very seriously. The idea is that everything is just a two-dimensional projection of the universe. So our three-dimensional world is actually just a hologram. It seems real. But it’s a holographic projection that operates on a 2D surface that bounds us and is way out onto the edge of the observable universe. These Laws of Physics and processes way out there would create a reality that seems real but is really just a holographic projection of the details and data and information on that distant surface, says Brian Greene, world-renowned physicist. Everything we do and think is processed through our brains so our brains help us to process things and find patterns and organize things and allows us to tell a story of what could be happening. The story could be something our brains have concocted to make sense of our perceptions. It’s a real possibility, continues Brian. I have often said we are moving here through our imagination. What Brian says makes sense because it could all be happening in our minds. We play a bigger role here than we realize. Imagination is not something we can choose to use, it’s how we’re moving through life! The holographic principle or idea that the universe(s) could be a hologram does not surprise me. We could be like “code” on a 2D grid with God as the greatest computer designer that has ever lived!💫☄️🪐🌍🌠🌌👩‍⚕️✳️

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s just been featured on the Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Science & Physics

Don’t take things too seriously💕


A ‘particle’ or electron can be a wave, we learned that through the double-slit experiment. As a matter of fact, the entire universe is a wave. Have you ever thought of yourself as a particle with wavelike features? Today someone told me I seem like I don’t take things too seriously.😂 How serious should I take things when we are completely under a (beautiful) cosmic order created by a master artist whose design cannot be duplicated. We are loved beyond measure. Given infinite chances. We are eternal. How serious should I take things when this life is only temporary? Then onto the next. I am learning more and more to not be ruled by emotions. ‘The heart can be deceitful above all else,’ the Bible tells us. Love. Laugh. Care. Be a friend. Follow after God. Seek to do good. All else will fall into place. #Particles #waves #stringtheory #electrons #God #artist #doubleslitexperiment💕😃🌊🙏👑

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s just been featured on the Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:


What is faith?

Having faith has so much to do with what we envision. We don’t always realize it; sometimes, we think that having faith comes only through what we hear. But faith lives in our imagination. Imagination is a powerful tool, and what we dream of can become manifest.

What you hear has a way of affecting you too. “Faith does cometh by heareth.” That’s why what we hear can affect us.

At sixteen years old, while trying to cross the street on my way to school I was hit by a car. When some doctors predicted I would never walk again it crushed my spirit. But I had faith and heard God say that I would. Although I’m not walking the way that I did before my accident, it’s a miracle I can walk at all.

I’ve accomplished walking because I envisioned it. While in the hospital, I imagined myself walking even when I couldn’t sit for more than a minute. And now, all these years later, I never dreamt I would be able to use a treadmill machine or have the ability to walk up to a mile. My point is God will take you even further than what you’ve dreamt.

Culture teaches us that all we have are our five senses. We are taught that using our imagination is silly. There is so much beyond what you can see though. God lives in our imagination. It is the only way we can see him while we’re here, says famous pastor, Gregory Boyd.

World-famous physicists have even confirmed, that imagination is not a tool we can choose to use, it’s how we’re moving through life.✨


About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s just been featured on the popular, Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Science & Physics

What is time?

God has a way of doing things on his timing, and his timing is better than our own. We don’t trust in God’s timing enough. We often think that our ‘time’ should be his ‘time.’ However, what is time anyway? According to the world’s greatest physicists, the past, present, and future are equally as real, and in space-time, they are happening at once! We don’t have time, we have entropy. We feel like we’re moving through time or flowing through it. However, time is not what we think it is. From a physics perspective, again, the idea that time passes or that we’re moving through time disappears…

Think of the arrow of time in this way. It is not built into the fundamental nature of reality, says famous physicist, Sean Carroll. We live in the aftermath of the Big Bang…or Big Event, as I like to call it. It happened 13.8 billion years ago. Everything you see, hear, feel, taste, and touch is called matter and is a result of it. Our very own bodies are made up of the same elements contained in stardust. The future has already happened, you just don’t know it.

God will make what we want to happen on his radar. As his children, we want to have control and be the captain of our ships. But there is a cosmic order, and we have to work within the Laws of Physics. People tend to think that they can make anything they want happen. Culture teaches if you only believe enough, religion teaches if you only have enough faith, you can have whatever your heart desires. It’s not true. Some things you want never happen to you. BUT MANY things do!

“In an eternal universe, such as the one we’re in, every rare thing can happen if you wait long enough,” says the famous philosopher, Sam Harris. But we have to be patient. Miracles happen but not in the way you imagined and sometimes it’s in a way you least expect.✨

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s just been featured on the popular, Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s “Solutions from the Huddle” broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Science & Physics

What is God?

God is omnipresent. He can be everywhere all at once. He is a God who does not sleep. We have access to him 24 hours a day. The world may teach us there is no God, there is no hope. The world may teach we are doomed. With God, there is always hope. There is restoration. The laws of physics prove to us that any (good) thing is possible. The double-slit experiment taught us that light and matter can represent characteristics of BOTH particles and waves. It teaches that ALL possible paths of particles can interfere with one another; even though one possible path happens. ALL REALITIES exist at once. It’s a concept known as superposition, until the final result occurs.

God can lead us through the worst of times. Just call out to him. We are told through the Bible that God is all around. The holy spirit is our present help in times of trouble. We cannot escape his presence. He comes to us through our intuition. We can’t tune out his voice or pretend he is not there. God is altruistic and kind. He is loving and he requires the same of us. He’s not just an old guy with a white beard sitting in the sky waiting to scold us! People who are focused on the judgment and warning everyone have never experienced the real Jesus Christ. They are portraying some mad made image of a God who won’t love you if you mess up. God’s love cannot change. He is the same as yesterday. Today. And forever.♥️

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s just been featured on the popular, Intuitive Edge podcast! She’s also been on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’ broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World! Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Writing, Speaking, and Media

The Intuitive Edge Podcast Interview!🎙🔊✨

The interview today was fantastic. Victoria even suggested that my story could be made into a Hallmark movie! She said I probably have healing capabilities and that she thinks I could one day walk without crutches!🔊💻🕊️✨ #intuitive #edge #podcast #interview #god #notwithoutgod #astoryofsurvival #hopeinthestorm #author #speaker #writerlife 😃🎙💖

CLICK ON THIS LINK TO WATCH my ‘wind down,’ recap!🔊💻

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s been featured on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’ and on Grace and Truth Radio World. Zina’s written several hundred articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world from many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm is live and for sale! You can order your copy here:

Science & Physics

With God All Things Are Possible💕⚛️

The greatest physicists in the world have said: ‘In an eternal universe, anything is possible!’ Not only can anything happen, but every RARE thing will happen (if you wait long enough)! That is how Sam Harris, the philosopher and neuroscientist, recently put it. We are more than likely living in a cosmic bubble bath of universes and big bangs or big ‘events.’ Ours just happened 13.8 billion years ago. We have learned through string theory that our universe could be one of many! In the Book of Revelation John sees ‘a new earth’ and the ‘city of heaven’ (Jerusalem) coming out of the sky. This tells me there could be more than one earth. As a matter of fact, one of the greatest physicists, Michio Kaku, recently said—for every star on average there is one planet going around it, ONE in five of those planets are EARTH sized planets! Here is a great video on some of the latest discoveries:

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. She’s been featured on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’ broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World. Zina’s written hundreds of articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world spanning many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and the Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She also writes on health and diet and loves to help others. Her latest book, Not Without God: Hope In the Storm will be released tomorrow, on Jan 24! Order your copy here:

Science & Physics

Sean Carroll interviews Brian Greene on his Mindscape’s podcast!⚛️💫🌌

This is a very good podcast by Sean Carroll. It’s part of his Mindscape podcast #31 where he interviews the famous physicist, Brian Greene. Actually, they are two of the greatest physicists in the world, and the interview takes place right at Colombia University. It answers many questions about String Theory, multiverses, the fact that the universe is still expanding, entropy, and what it all means. The universe has not only been expanding since the Big ‘event,’ as I like to call it, 13.8 billion years ago, but the expansion is also speeding up! What does this mean for our universe? When will entropy have its way? Will there be a ‘rebirth’ once the sun burns out our planet (approximately 5,000,000,000 years from now?) Is it possible that the universe lasts a trillion more years? These are all questions addressed here in this podcast, some of which I’ve discussed before–take a listen I think you’ll enjoy it!✨🌌💫✳️☄️

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and more than 300 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out next year. Her writing endeavors have earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog, among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast) and on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’ broadcast. You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

On Time, Entropy, the Big Bang and Entanglement!✨☄️💫🌠🪐

Take a look at my short 10 minute or so video on Chapter 4 of my book today. I thought it would be a nice addition to my blog since I added chapter three just yesterday. It’s a Facebook live recording.

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored the best-selling book “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and more than 300 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out next year. Her writing endeavors have earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help others. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and the Suite T blog, among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast) and on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’ broadcast. You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

Brian Greene, Part 2

Brian Greene explains us as exquisite particles that only last as long as “the blink of an eye.” He was recently on Lex Fridman’s podcast. Lex hosts such great physicists, authors, inventors, etc. I was waiting for Brian to come on and couldn’t wait to watch it once I discovered that Lex finally interviewed him!

Brian continues “We are just a momentary byproduct of the Laws of Physics. Every individual has the ability to set their own meaning and make their own purpose.” It’s a beautiful thing. “It could be that the universe is such that under fairly typical conditions that a star (sun) together with a planet being bathed with a low entropy, and other conditions can make (us) life naturally form.

We are creatures who recognize a kind of self reflective conscious awareness. Let’s take the earth, and there was a singular event 65,000,000 plus years ago where a rock hit the earth and destroyed dinosaurs. If that hadn’t happened, maybe they would still rule the planet. Brian imagines there is A LOT of life out there, but they don’t all try to make sense of it as WE DO. They just go about living and surviving. We are different, though.

How are you sure that others who you look at are fully conscious beings? Your existence exists in your mind. You are a brain in a vat. We all are. Your observation that others are existing is just that: an observation. It just “seems” like they are. Human consciousness, in my opinion, is a gift from God. God tells us that we are formed in his likeness and image, and I personally don’t think “consciousness” ends when we leave this earth.

Who knows? Heaven may simply be another universe. I have learned through my studies of physics that there are many. Brian continues and questions how a particle can come to consciousness. Technically, we are particles according to physics. My answer, again, is God. God can do anything. He can develop the universe. He can make dinosaurs. He can create string theory. He can make multiverses and cosmic bubble baths. He can make entanglement (after all, we are “entangled” with him).

He can make the moon, the stars, the galaxies (star systems). He can do anything. Brian thinks that a long time from now, we will smile at those in the 20th or 21st century who thought consciousness was so mysterious. It’s just a “thing” that happens when particles form together. When you develop systems (robots, AI), they also become “conscious.” It is the ability to experience the world and animals do not experience it in the same way.

The Big Bang or Big “event” as I like to call it was a tiny nugget of space time that yields everything we see today. What happened a millionth of a second after that Big Bang? It’s not really that controversial, Brian says. It is early universe cosmology.

I am going to attach the full interview in case you are interested in watching it:

About Zina

Zina Hermez has authored Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. Recently she was featured on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’ broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World. Zina’s written hundreds of articles and has taught thousands of students. Additionally she’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog, and Southern Writers magazine. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. Lately she has been offering food services and is a major foodie! She loves to help others. You can also connect with her on Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

Brian Greene on Lex Fridman’s podcast, Part 1☄️

‘Life is really what you make of it,’ says Brian Greene, world renownedphysicist and New York Times bestselling author. Brian says we’re all in a position of only being aware of our own conscience being though we can only judge that others are conscience by their behavior. There is something special about us. Fish and dogs aren’t able to come up with the ideas that we are. How can it be that a particle can create consciousness? Brian says.

In my opinion, it’s God. I believe in a supreme intelligence—Holy Father (God). His size spans the entire earth and he is too big to make out visually. I’m not sure how big he is, but he’s huge! His son, Jesus, is a reflection of his love.❤️‍🩹 All loving and kind. God is full of power amd light.✨ He’s the creator of the heavens and earth! Brian Greene says that he doesn’t believe there is no God. He has said he just doesn’t know.

By the way, he keeps the largest Christmas trees in his home at Christmastime!🎄 That’s another detail he’s shared. His views are accurate. We are beings just passing through; the whole universe will be destroyed due to entropy at some point. We don’t know when that will be (probably much further down the road). But in the meantime we are to make the best of life, enjoy it, and be kind to all of humankind.❤️‍🔥🙏⚛️✨🌤

If you’re interested in watching the entire interview here is the link to it: I think you will enjoy it!

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. Recently she was featured on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’ broadcast and on Grace and Truth Radio World. Zina’s written hundreds of articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world spanning many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog and Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. She has recently launched food services and is a major foodie! She loves to help others. You can connect with her on Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, or Twitter.


If it’s meant to be, it will happen💕

This is true. The greatest physicists have debated whether or not free will exists. I believe it does to some extent. But maybe not as much as we think it does. Everything is in cosmic order. I believe we are moving here through our imagination, but God ordains certain things to happen and certain people to be sent. Through our choices, we bring our destiny to fruition. That is why I do believe we have free will because there are choices we can make and different routes we can take. However, we can’t control everything. We can’t control when there is a hurricane, for example. We can’t control the way certain things turn out. However, we can be coworkers with God to make the best out of life and to make the right decisions. He gives us that ability, even if our choices are predetermined, it feels like they aren’t. We just have to trust that God is always in the driver’s seat and even when we fail or suffer loss, he has a plan. “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all (2 Cor. 4:17).✨💫🙏

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best selling book, Not Without God: A Story of Survival. She’s been featured in numerous articles, guest posts, podcasts, websites, newsletters, and magazines. Recently she was featured on ESPN’s ‘Solutions from the Huddle’ broadcast. Zina’s written hundreds of articles and has taught thousands of students from all over the world spanning many different backgrounds and cultures. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Suite T blog and Southern Writers magazine among other places. She writes on faith, science, and overcoming adversity. Her goal is to help others. You can connect with her on Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

Don’t wait until tomorrow, do it today!

The sun is the most beautiful commodity in the world, but we are told that 5 billion years from now, the sun may swallow up the earth. The sun may expand, and its heat may be more than we can take. Dinosaurs became extinct more than 65,000,000 years ago due to an asteroid, but asteroids may not be our problem. Entropy itself will win one day, and everything will come to an end. I mean, everything. I’m not telling you this to discourage you but to make you realize that life is finite. Nothing lasts forever. All buildings, structures, planets, black holes, and even protons will be destroyed. We are told by Brian Greene, best-selling author, professor, and physicist that this will happen at about ten to the sixty-eighth. Imagine that right now are at ten to the tenth, so it won’t be for a long time from now. But it actually can happen sooner, he says. We don’t know when. The universe is expanding, and one day that expansion may be too much. My point in telling you this is to remind you that we are here temporarily. What we do now makes a difference because if it’s not happening now, it may never happen. That’s why I want to encourage you to take that step, whatever it is, for the better to make that dream happen. Whether it’s starting a business or traveling. There is always something we aspire to do. Each of us have at least one thing we want to accomplish. Work on it now. And watch it come to fruition. All we have is today. Why wait until tomorrow?

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 300 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with tens of thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog, among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

Black holes and the slowing of time!

Ever wonder why time slows down near the edge of black hole? It’s because gravity doesn’t just pull down on matter and energy. It pulls down on time itself. Gravity is the warping of time. It’s why clocks will click off at different times according to where they are located. It’s why we have different time zones: EST vs. Pacific, for example. But as you get closer to the edge of a black hole, your clock gets slower and slower until it eventually stops! So, time stops because it is eternal (if you were caught near a black hole or even sucked inside!).

What is entanglement? Let’s take a look at this theory for a minute. It is when two widely separated particles act as if they are just next to one another. Separating them would make you think they are independent; however, they are not independent. There is communication. The particles behave the same way and even act the same. One particle could be in Los Angeles, and one could be in New York City. It doesn’t matter. They are influencing each other. They are entangled. There is something called ‘particle spin.’ Particles like to spin around.

But what is weird about entanglement is that you can have two particles (both spinning in opposite directions) and be widely separated. Still, when you measure each particle, they are spinning simultaneously! They are influencing one another. This phenomenon has left the world’s greatest physicists baffled for years. Einstein even called it ‘spooky action at a distance.’ They can even be on opposite sides of the universe or in the same room! One will spin up, and one will spin down at the same time!

Why is it relevant? Well, God says we are entangled with him in various places in the bible. When one died, ‘all died,’ for example. And the same with scripture that tells us, ‘we have been raised with Christ,’ before we were even alive. Also, we are made in his image and likeness. We are ‘duplicates.’ We are ‘paired’ whether or not we realize it. It happens everywhere. There is this entanglement all across the universe. Everything in the universe is duplicated.

However, let’s imagine that there is a chance the one can fall into a black hole. Ironically, if one of the entangled particles falls into the black hole, the other will not. So, why does only one of them fall into the hole? Why does the ‘thread’ snap? Because when one of them falls into the hole, time stops. Thus, there is no reason for a ‘duplicate’ any longer. The one in the black hole is eternal. You are no longer entangled. You are one with God! Some of these notes are based on Brian Greene’s ‘World Science Festival’s live lecture’ and Q and A online.

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 300 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with tens of thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog, among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

There is ‘another world’

God is the greatest mathematician that has ever lived. A mathematician of the highest order. He used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe. God is contained in the mysteries of modern physics and vice versa. I have never felt so clear or ‘at at home’ since I began studying physics.⚛️ I bet Aristotle wishes he knew during his life what we know now. There are patterns. These patterns tend to repeat themselves, and they reveal a lot. As far as everyday life is concerned, we’ve found the underlying ingredients. Physics is not done, but it has discovered some big things. There are still mysteries. But the mysteries do not consist of how the moon and the stars behave, for example. But most do not understand Quantum mechanics, anyway. Electrons make all light. But what physicists expected to happen with the electrons did not occur. Thus Quantum mechanics was born. When you look at the electron, it looks like a particle. However, it is a wave. The electron is a wave, and that represents reality. Why does it change from when you look at it compared to when you don’t look at it? It’s because we are Quantum Systems ourselves whether we realize it or not. So therein lies the problem. There’s this thing called entanglement, and it still baffles the most outstanding physicists in the community today. It means that the superposition of the wave vs. the superposition of the electron means that there are two versions, the electron as a point and the electron as a wave. But you’ve only seen the particle in one superposition. You will never see it on the other. The other is a separate world—a separate universe. There is one you in both—a duplicate. What happens here in this universe does not occur in the other universe, according to physics. But you will never visit that other world or know it. There is even an app called Universe Splitter and you can ask it to make a prediction. A real photon gets emitted from a lab in Geneva, Switzerland (I love how so much physics stuff happens in Geneva, Switzerland!). Well, anyway, it’s an excellent app. You should download it. But before you lose sleep and wonder about this other ‘self.’ Keep in mind, the greatest physicists in the world tell us only to act as though we are in this universe. Technically, we are particles like electrons. God said that he would give us ‘new bodies.’ God also said we are made in his ‘likeness and image.’ This entanglement, my friends, just means we are entangled [with Christ]. As a matter of fact, the whole universe is a wave. We are a part of it. We become one with him.🙏🙏🙏🌌🔆⚛️🎇🕊️💫😇✨

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog, among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

There is more than one you

You are part of the Quantum World. You are a particle. The universe came forth through a particle. You are a wave; the entire universe is a wave. The electron is a particle that we used to think was a single point and nothing more, but then around 1909, there was a huge discovery–we learned that the particle could be a wave.

That means the particle can come up in any part of ‘the wave.’ There is a different probability (or chances) that the electron can appear in other parts of the wave. This was a huge breakthrough and is at the heart of Quantum Physics. Since technically, we are particles–it proves that ‘we can show up in any part of “the wave,” also.

Quantum Physics also suggests that there are many worlds; again, back to this fact that we learned that the “object” or electron could appear in a haze of probability (wave). How can we be here or there? Where is there? I’m sure you don’t feel like you are anywhere but “here” on earth. Close to your friends, family, and planted in your home, and close to your pets.

However, according to Quantum Mechanics, you have a duplicate. EVERY single particle (EVERYTHING) in the universe(s) has a duplicate. That’s because there’s this thing called “entanglement.” And it has left the greatest physicists scratching their heads for decades!

This thing called “entanglement” drives the universe because it proves a double of every particle, even YOU! So, one may ask, where else can you be? Especially since you don’t ‘feel’ like you are anywhere else but here? We are a culture very dependent on our senses. We believe what we can see, hear, taste, or feel is true–and often believe nothing more.

We are devoid of imagination. But physicists aren’t. They know that what is real is what cannot be seen too. It has nothing to do with religion, but ironically, the ‘religious’ cannot see past five feet in front of them. I’ll put it to you like this, imagine that if all that there was is here, you would be limiting God’s talent and power. Because that would limit God to creating you, maybe, you may even feel like everything is not centered around ‘you.’

After all, we used to believe that the earth was at the center of the universe. Nicolaus Copernicus detailed the radical idea that the earth (along with other planets) rotates around the sun in the early 1500s. However, it took more than a century for it to become widely accepted!

In a culture that likes to be absorbed with themselves, how could we imagine that there may be “two” of us, and where is our other self? How could we imagine that we are not at the center of the universe and of primary importance? How could we imagine that our ‘world’ is not central to the entire scope of the universe(s)?

The truth is, ALL those other worlds–trillions and trillions and more can exist without little old us. So, one may ask, well then, if God made all these things–how can he care about us? Well, God can still care about us because God is not limited in his love like we are. He is not too occupied in one universe that he doesn’t recognize the other universes. God is not self-absorbed.

Again, what do we do with this problem of ‘our other self?’ No need to worry about that because there has always been another ‘self.’ Romans 14:8 tells us, “If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we belong to the Lord.” This other self is the Lord’s. Just as you are, humble yourself. You cannot control things. You are not at the center. You are not “chosen” or “more loved” or approved. “When one died, all died. And he came to die for ALL of us.”

The different worlds theory may rattle the worlds’ greatest physicists, but it is this–anything is possible, there are many ‘worlds.’ As a matter of fact, there may be infinite worlds. In an endless “eternal” world, not only can anything happen, every rare thing will.

In a rare world where God can produce infinite numbers and copies of ourselves, why should you believe that you’re next to nothing ‘size’ in the universe would not justify that there is a God who can be personable with you? God loves you just the way you are. He is shaping and molding you.

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog, among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

God’s love is BIG enough to love only us!

The multi-verse theory is more than you can imagine. Picture a trillion trillion+ other universes. If there is a vast multiverse with all sorts of things going on, the likelihood of ‘other life’ out there becomes higher, says Sean Carroll, world-renowned physicist, and mathematician. I think they’re out there, and they know God. I mean God, the Holy Father, and Jesus.

Famous physicist Brian Greene says, “If there is alien life out there, they are at least 2-3 billion years ahead of us!” So, why would they care about little old us? Well, if other life does exist, it may be so far away and so much more advanced to even care about us or what we’re doing here.

The probability that the multiverse theory is true is based on data. If there are many different ‘regions of space,’ life can exist in these sub-places. What is the probability that this is true? It’s high. It’s based on math. Mathematical principles tend to drive physics.

String theory says that the Laws of Physics can be different from place to place. But we don’t know if that is true for sure. However, the multiverse is very sensible to consider. Because God exists, life exists. Without God, there would be no life on earth or potentially anywhere for that matter.

Atheists don’t see a God who can be a caring or loving being that has a place set up for us, the afterlife. Few scientists especially cannot accept this. I’ve heard that if there was a God, why would he hide himself? But God is not hiding. He is all around.

We can see him in nature. We can see him in each other. We can adhere to his voice. We can say our prayers. We can find his inspiration from reading the Bible. He talks to us through our intuition. If it is good, pure, right, and whole; it is from the Lord. When God is involved, there is no doubt or shadow of turning.

I’ve heard the argument that if there were a God, entropy still would be the same way it was (low) as in the ‘early universe.’ What people don’t understand, though, is that God is perfect. He doesn’t have to make sense.

I’ve watched a demonstration of a Hubble space telescope in Sean Carroll’s talk that discusses all the galaxies with each having a hundred billion stars, and he says that none of them are necessary for us to exist on earth. So, why are they there?

Sean tends to think that we can’t argue that God would put them there for us to exist. Because they can be there with or without us, that is true. We are very tiny compared to a vast universe, now we suspect, universes. So, why would God make us? He doesn’t need to make ALL that to make us.

Why wouldn’t God only make our home the Milky Way? God’s love for us in a multiverse with a trillion trillion-plus universes is BIG enough to love just ‘us.’

His love is BIG enough to choose us. It may be big enough to love ‘others,’ perhaps, out there. Regardless, God’s love is BIG enough to not only love just ‘us.’ It is big enough for God to love ONLY you, all by yourself!

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book, “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

All Things Are Possible

I just learned by listening to Sean Carroll that I am an eternalist. I am not a presentist. I don’t believe that we have only ‘now.’ An eternalist understands Einstein’s theory of relativity and that there is really no such thing as ‘now.’ Time is not ‘the same for all observers.’ I believe in that. It’s one of the reasons we have different ‘time zones.’ I experience it every day while working with people. It’s a fact. A lot of my clients are on Pacific time where it’s still sunny there while the sun is coming down here. An eternalist also believes that the universe is 4 dimensional and may be a hologram kind of imitating the movie, ‘Star Wars.’ If you’ve followed my science posts before, you may have read my articles on the holographic principle. The latest theory definitely proves that we feel as though we are on a 3 Dimensional surface, but it very well could be a 2 dimensional grid. What people don’t understand is that God is the greatest computer design we could ever have. Some people tend to think of God as the big man with the white beard whose very old and waiting to scold them! God is modern, though. God is scientific. He can do anything! Just take a look at galaxies, systems that stand alone made up of trillions of stars! And there are at least 100 billion of them that we’ve seen so far! God did that. He is more than you can fathom. Do I believe there is no such thing as now and that the past, present, and future are equally real in space-time as the theory of relativity suggests? You bet! Do I believe that the universe is eternal and 4 dimensional? Even though it feels like a three dimension? Sure, why not? Do I even believe that the entire universe (now believed to be maybe even made up of parallel universes), could be a hologram? Yes, because with God, ALL things are possible! And I mean ALL things!🌌☀️🎑🌈🌗🎇🌙✨💓🎈🌊🐈🕊⚛️

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book, “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

There is no time, there is entropy🌌

We feel like we’re moving through time, or flowing through it. However, time is not what we think it is. From a physics perspective, the idea that time passes or that we move through time–disappears. It’s no where to be found in the fundamental Laws of Physics, but it’s clearly in our every day lives.

So, what is going on? Is time an illusion? The passage of time notion disappears from a physicist point of view. There are Laws of Motion and Gravitation that help us predict the future, where there will be eclipses, for example. You can EVEN predict the past.

The Laws of Physics wil tell you what was going on in past history. It’s called Conservation of Information. All the information you need is in it. It can predict the future and past. This goes against the idea that time is flowing. There is nothing special about ‘now.’

The Laws of Physics describe EVERY moment of time being of an EQUAL importance. There is no distinction between past, present, and future in space-time, taught Einstein. We have records, memories, photographs, and artifacts.

However, we don’t have photogrpahs or autographs that tell us about the future in the same way as we do our past. We feel as though the past is settled but as though the future is not, and that we can make choices. But we don’t believe we can make choices to change the past.

So why are they so different? It’s called entropy. Entropy is the disorderness of the system. We are taught that entropy increases over time. There is a directionality. The second law of thernodanamics says that entropy increases over time. The first law of thermodynamics is that energy is constant.

“But in terms of the second, over time entropy increases,” says Sean Carroll–a famous physicist. The second law does tell us entropy will be higher in the future but lower in the past. When you look at a cup of coffee, you don’t see the atoms in which it’s made. It gets more mixed together and harder to distinguish over time right after you mix it.

‘Think of the arrow of time this way, it is not built into the fundamental nature of reality. We live in the aftermath of the big bang,’ says Sean Carroll, a world renowned physicist. ‘It was very low entropy and orderly in the beginning.’

Since time is relative, and the past, present, and future are equally as real in space-time, I often wonder if I can still regard myself as the broken sixteen-year-old I once was and doing all of this from my hospital bed. Just a thought!🤔

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book, “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

Quantum Physics🎆

Did you know that you are technically considered a “particle?” It’s true. ‘We are nothing more than a spec,’ says The Science Guy, Bill Nye. Quantum mechanics proves that it’s true. Quantum mechanics involves breaking ‘things’ down to their tiniest parts.

We are basically particles, as a matter of fact, we are waves, try to wrap your head around that for a moment. A particle is a wave. We learned that after the famous, ‘double slit experiment.’ There are many worlds.

I’ll tell you why. A particle is a wave, or an electron (you), and you can pop up into any part of a ‘wave.’ Back to what I’ve talked about before, there is more than one choice or route you can take and what doesn’t happen in one universe, can happen in another.

For example, in one universe, you may decide to become a nurse. In another universe, you may not. But you would never know because you cannot communicate with ‘that’ other universe.

It’s called entanglement. The two particles (electrons) can be on different ends of the earth. One can be in Los Angeles and one in New York. But they will imitate each other and even behave the same way.

Before you get spooked out by this idea that there could be another ‘you’ in another world, keep in mind, physicists tell us to live as though you are only living in this one!

Actually, in an infinite universe, such as the one we’re in, there can be copies of you out there being made right now. This supports the idea of string theory and that there may be multiple universes.

The Bible tells us we are made in his image and likeness and thus, entangled with Christ! There’s another version of you out there (in Jesus🙏).❤️⚛️

To view the podcast that inspired this article, please watch Sean Carroll (famous physicist) on the Joe Rogan experience:

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book, “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

Don’t give up!

As I gaze upon this beautiful photo, I think of our eternal universe and all the possibilities there are in life. And I struggle. I’ll tell you why. The greatest physicists say that we are in an eternal universe and anything is possible. As a matter of fact, not only can anything happen—every rare thing will happen in this life. The Bible tells us in several places that with God, all things are possible. Not with man, but with God, ‘these things are possible.’ In a world devoid of hope at times. It’s hard to feel hope or that the ‘thing’ you’ve been waiting for can happen. However, in an eternal universe, such as the one we’re in, it can! Here God and physics align! However, it has to be compatible with the Law of Physics. There is a cosmic order. God is still in control, and while he doesn’t allow everything—he will enable more than we realize. That thing you’ve been waiting for can happen. Don’t give up!

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book, “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. She was recently featured on Color Speak (a Grace and Truth Radio World! podcast). You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

We are entangled💜

String theory tells us there can be multiple universes and that the Big Bang may have occurred many times. If an electron is present in Los Angeles, for example, it can also be present in New York. It will be an identical particle that will look and even behave in the same manner. The particles can be on opposite ends of the earth, but they will still act in the same way. Another name for this phenomenon is entanglement. Einstein used to call it ‘spooky action at a distance.’ This is why the latest physicists now believe there may be multiverses and even assimilation, ‘copies’ of ourselves. We know that the Bible tells us: ‘For Christ’s love compels us because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again (2 Cor. 5:14-15).’ We are ‘entangled’ with Christ. The Bible also says that in heaven, Christ “will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body” (Philippians 3:21). We are made in his image and likeness.⚛️🙏🎇✨☀️☦️💖🌙

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book, “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

Science & Physics

A new earth 🌍

Good morning, friends. One day everything will be swallowed up by entropy. Every building, every structure, everything you see (including us) will come to an end. There will be no such thing as thought itself. Thought itself will be swallowed up by life. This is predicted to happen far into the future, but anything can happen, so it could happen sooner. I don’t mean to sound so dim. Our mortality is real. Fortunately, in the Book of Revelation, John has a vision while on the island of Patmos, and we are told that he saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. He wrote that he saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully adorned for her husband. We are taught by physics that once there is nothing left other than some particles forming in the void, there can be a ‘reforming’ of particles. All we are is particles brought to consciousness, quarks, neutrinos, protons, etc. In an eternal universe, life repeats itself.☀️🖤⚛️🌅🏞🌠🦒

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored the best-selling book, “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 250 of her own blog articles. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her upcoming book, “Not Without God: Hope In the Storm” will be out later this year. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today, the Southern Writers magazine, and Suite T blog among other places. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

SCI medical information

God Is Able!

We sometimes go through hardship; I’d like to offer you some advice if you areI can now work out for well over an hour at the gym, and I don’t even recall envisioning it. I mean, I never dreamt I would be able to run on an elliptical. I imagined I was walking on a walker at sixteen after my accident and suffering paralysis, but using an elliptical has been a huge success.

My point is, God will take you even further than what you’ve dreamt. He has the capability. It’s a far stretch from where I was while in the hospital! I imagined myself walking even when I couldn’t sit for more than a minute. And now, all these years later, running on an elliptical?

Having faith has so much to do with what we envision. We don’t always realize that; sometimes, we think that having faith comes only through what we hear or learn. But faith comes through what we envision; imagination is a powerful tool, and what we dream up can become manifest.

I’ve been able to accomplish this because I envisioned it as a teenager. I expected it. We can see God through our imagination. I’ve heard from a famous pastor that it’s the closest we will ever get to seeing him while we’re here. Seeing God can be real if we stop rejecting him.

We reject seeing him because society teaches us that if we use our imagination, we are silly. Culture teaches us that as humans we are limited. Sometimes images just come to me while I’m praying. I see specs of light often, even rays of light I have seen before. Objects sometimes shake or rattle. I always saw this as God’s way of telling me his angels are near. I have heard God’s voice from deep within instructing me and even tell me what to do in critical moments.

It’s why my faith has been bigger than my fear.

I have studied physics for a year and a half, and all of the theories I’ve learned further prove God and his excellent existence! The fact is that the greatest physicists now say we are moving here through our imagination. We are made up of billions of atoms that can never die. All of this is true.

The Theory of entanglement holds true. These are Biblical principles taught to us through physics, but you would never know it without studying the universe. The Bible teaches us we are ‘entangled with Christ,’ so there is the entanglement. Every human being has already ‘died’ because when One died, all died,’ the Bible tells us.

Modern physicists are now teaching that everything is happening at the same time. Actually, ‘time’ is the only thing stopping everything from happening all at once. In space-time, there is no distinction.

Everyone should search and find. Scientists are now suggesting that there may be multiverses because of the Theory of entanglement. ‘When one electron is in any given space, there is a complete duplicate that will even move and act the same way. The two particles can be on opposite sides of the universe, but they will behave the same way.’ It is entanglement.

I can also accept all of this because I know how amazing God is. It doesn’t challenge my faith, it makes it stronger!

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 200 of her blog posts. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. She’s appeared in Christianity Today and the Southern Writers magazine more than once. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.


In due time, it will happen to you!

It’s true. But often we take it for granted. We don’t trust in God enough. We often think that our ‘time’ should be his ‘time.’ However, what is time anyway? In physics, the past, present, and future are equally as real, and in space-time, they are happening at once.

We need to relax. God will make it happen if and when it is meant. As his children, we get anxious. We want to be in control—the captain of our ships. However, we must keep in mind that there is a cosmic and divine order. Things don’t always happen how we want them to or when we would like.

Sometimes they happen when we least expect. If you keep the faith, believe, and never give up, they will happen to you. I wrote a post that describes how prayers do get answered but not always in the way we think they should. One way or the other, God will answer you. No prayer is unheard. Whether you are praying for deliverance, a new home, or enough resources, God hears you.

There’s a reason it hasn’t happened yet. Whether or not you understand is not what makes the difference. What makes the difference is whether or not you trust and ask for his wise counsel. In due time, miracles happen. The way one great physicist put it is free will does not exist. EVERYTHING is in the cosmic order. Another great physicist/pastor I listen to put it this way–God is the greatest chess player.

He knows every route you can go, and he has a plan even for when you mess up. Isn’t it great to know you have a God who will always be there? Who will pick you up? Who will cover you no matter what? This unconditionally loving God who always takes care wants what’s best for us.

About Zina

Zina Hermez authored “Not Without God: A Story of Survival.” Her stories have been featured in various guest articles, medical journals, magazines, newsletters, and over 200 of her blog posts. As an educator for more than twenty years, she’s had the privilege of working with thousands of students from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Her writing endeavors earned her an invitation to speak at the Harvard Faculty Club’s “Business Expert Forum.” Zina’s goal is to help others overcome adversity, and she strives to do what she longs to–help other people. Socializing with friends, taking business trips, listening to music, and meeting new people are among her hobbies. You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.